PhD Dissertation, Master's Thesis and Research Publications

PhD Dissertation, Master's Thesis and Research Publications

PhD Dissertation, Master's Thesis and Research Publications
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Depending on your request, this service may include some or all of the stages necessary for the development, writing and successful defense of your master's or PhD thesis, graduate term paper, or any other research publication. Thus, this service may include any combinaton or all of the following: (1) identification of a mster's or PhD project supervisor or a promising research idea, (2) finding a sponsor or agency to financially support your project, graduate research planning and development, (3) carrying on science or engineering research, (4) writing and publication of science or engineering papers in professional journals, (5) writing your master's or PhD thesis, (6) promotion and presentation of your master's or PhD study results (including the defense event and beyond), and any other research-related task you request. Consider, what particular types of services you may need and choose appropriate services from our service list (click the Services link in the menu to the left or at the bottom of the page). Provide all relevant information and materials you possess: this will reduce your expenses. Your participation in all research work, and in particular your master's or PhD study, is strongly recommended: this will further increase your savings and better prepare you for your further graduate career progress. You may also request us to complete only a portion of your work, for example, to analyze, discuss and/or write only a chapter of your manuscript. We will work with you to provide the best solutions to all your graduate career development problems.

WARNING: evaluation of your research plans or ideas for a graduate degree thesis or term paper is the first step in the process of the research proposal development and may be negative. In the “negative” cases a written guide on possible enhancement of your research capabilities, plans and ideas to achieve successful completion of your graduate degree is guaranteed. E-mail us for a free initial consultation before requesting this service.

When you receive (via e-mail) our advice on expected duration of your service, chose the recommended number of hours in the “quantity” filed below, click "Add to Cart" and follow directions to place your order. We will send you an order confirmation e-mail. Please, refer to your order number in all subsequent communications. Basic fee: $54.00 an hour plus additional expenses that may include data base and computing time dues, equipment, software, laboratory space rental, materials, supplies, etc. if appropriate. Many discounts for large orders. In particular, PhD dissertation writing fees do not exceed $20,000 (in this case you have to provide electronic files of all relevant materials, data, publications, etc.) A written competitive degree research proposal, master's or PhD manuscript, term paper or research paper (in the form of electronic documents) meeting requirements of your particular graduate program and school or publisher guaranteed. E-mail communications preferred.